Friday, January 30, 2009

Spook: Chapter 2

1] Among Stevenson's cases, only about 20 include any written record.
2] Women in India wear Saris because it is the most elegant dress for women.
3] Among cultures that believe in reincarnation, congenital abnormalities are commonly viewed as clues to a child's past life.
4] The birthmark business has a historical corollary of sorts in the theory of maternal impressions.
5] Ichthyosis is a skin condition where the skin is scale like because of a mothers fear of sea serpents.

4 Questions
1] Is Reincarnation cases more common in places like India?
2] Where is Kamalpur located?
3] Why do skeptics often cite monetary motives for making up claims of rebirth?
4] Who is Mokesh?

3 Vocabulary
1] Precociousness: characterized by unusual eary developemnt of maturity, especially in mental aptitude.
2] Adherents: To stick or hold fast.
3] Induced: To prevail upon; persuade or influence.

2 Literary Terms
1] "The uncle, dressed in a white singlet and a layer of perspiration, looks uncomfortable." -Metaphor.
2] "As we walk by, domestic scenes are on display like shoebox dioramas." -Simile.

1 Overview Sentence
There are many beliefs as to why reincarnation happened. It is believed that the personality of the previous existence brought their personality to the next life, so bits of traits are in the new life.

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