Sunday, February 1, 2009

Spook: Chapter 5

1] In 1996, McGill University professor of neurosurgery Rolando Del Maestro curated an exhibition called "Leonardo da Vinci: The Search for the Soul."
2] Gall was led astray in part by his unconventional methodology.
3] Gall amassed a collection of 221 skulls, which traveled with him on his lecture circuit, exasperating porters and alarming nosy bellhops.
4] For four years of his life, Duncan Macdougall had been hatching a plan to prove the existence of the human soul.
5] Macdougall enlisted the help of two fellow physicians; Drs. Sproull and Grant.

4 Questions
1] What was the Carthaginian War about?
2] What are consumptives?
3] Was it legal to use living humans as experiments?
4] Who is Sanctorius?

3 Vocabulary
1] Amalgam: an alloy of mercury with another metal or metals.
2] Instilled: to introduce by gradual, persistent efforts; implant.
3] Conception: the act of conceiving; the state of being conceived.

2 Literary Terms
1] "Soul Weighing." -Metaphor.
2] "Perhaps some seizure-flung drool escaped the confines of the flask." -Metaphor.

1 Overview Sentence
Macdougall enlisted the help of two other physicians who helped him do a research on finding the soul in a living being.

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