Monday, December 15, 2008

Colors: Violet


1] Voilet was thought to be made from a chemistry experiment mistake.

2] Tyrian Purple was made from shellfish found in the eastern Mediterranean.

3] Britain : it was appropriate to wear purple to a funeral.

4] Violet is the last color in the rainbow spectrum.

5] French tended to call violet "Perkins Purple."

4 Questions

1] Who was Samuel Pepys?

2] Why was Tyrain Purple so hard to find?

3] What was "thais haemastema"?

4] What is the Forbidden Silk?

3 Vocabulary

1] Elitism: Practice of a belief in rule by an elite.

2] Pretentious: Full of pretense or pretension.

3] Legions: Any large grup of armed men.

2 Literary Terms

1] "And I was in the town where books were the gods of the people." Metaphor.

2] "So the preists moved out and decay moved in." Personification.

1 Overview Sentence

Violet was actually a color found by a mistake.

Colors: Indigo


1] Indigo is derived from the Greek term meaning "from India".

2] At one point, Indigo was the most important dye in the world.

3] Ancient Egyptians used indigo dye cloths to wrap their mummies.

4] "Indigo" is a word like "ultramarine" meaning beyond the seas.

5] Indigo cultivation probably existed in the Indus Valley.

4 Questions

1] What is the origin of woad?

2] Who was Eliza Lucas?

3] Did Indigo go as far back as the Mesopotamian Times?

4] How valueable was Indigo?

3 Vocabulary

1] Encapsulate: To summarize or condense.

2] astringent: harshly biting.

3] Primitive: Early in the history of the world of humankind.

2 Literary Terms

1] "The seeds of this mustard plant float so easily." -Metaphor.

2] "Indigo involved misery." - Metaphor

1 Overview Sentence

Indigo was most known for being created in India and was very rare.

Colors: Blue

1] In Hindu, India, Blue is considered lucky, the color of Krishna, the god who dances through the world making love and fun.

2] Michelangelo has an unfinished panel in the National Gallery in London.

3] John Tyndall used the image of a sea to describe blue.

4] He thought that the particles of dust made blue.

5] Oltromarino was a technical term meaning "from beyond the seas."

4 Questions

1] Who was John Tyndall?

2] Why was the Virgin Mary's robe blue?

3] Why is the sky blue?

4] What is androgyny?

3 Vocabulary

1] Regime: a ruling or prevailing system.

2] Immaculate: free from spot or stain.

3] Propensity: a natural inclination or tendency.

2 Literary Terms
1] "If ever a city was singing the blues." - Personifcation.

2] "Old silk roads are the least smooth pathways." - Irony.

1 Overview Sentence

Blue has many origins, but mostly relating to religious reasons.

Colors: Green

1] Green was a secret color in China.
2] China used a special green on porcelain.
3] This mysterious green was made during the 9th and 10th centuries.
4] Green was associated with Indian mysticism.
5] Green was traditionally made from the corrosion of metal.

4 Questions
1] Why was green such a secret color?
2] Why was it so hrd to produce the color green?
3] Why did Giovanni Arnolfini and Giovanna have a unhappy marriage?
4] How is green a holy color?

3 Vocabulary
1] Unprecendented: without previous existence.
2] Brocaded: Fabric woven with an elaborte design.
3] Convulsion: Contortion of the body.

2 Literary Terms
1] "The smiling green pistachio that resembles your beautiful lips whispers tenderly." - Personification
2] "The collaspe killed no one but excited everyone." -Irony.

1 Overview Sentence
Green, in China, was a very mysterious and secretive color.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Colors: Yellow

1] Yellow is the color of pulsating life, of bile, the Devil, warning, power, and sickness.
2] Ingredients of yellow in India were a mystery.
3] Indian Yellow was masde from the urine of cows fed with orange leaves.
4] Indian Yellow was forbidden for the cruelty to animals.
5] Saffron is the most expensive and colorful spice in the world.

4 Questions
1] Why were robes in Tibet dyed with turmeric?
2] How was yellow made in Persia?
3] Why did yellow represent so many things?
4] Was yellow made from a cow's or buffalo's urine?

3 Vocabulary
1] Disconsolate: Very unhappy.
2] Bovine: Of or like a cow or ox.
3] Stamens: pollen bearing part of a flower.

2 Literary Terms
1] "Saffron is a fussy flower." Metaphor
2] "It tasted bitter and was wetly crunchy like a single stem or fresh cress." Simile.

1 Overview Sentence
Indian Yellow is ostly believed to be made from cow urine and mango leaves.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Colors: Orange

1] It is believed that the color orange started in Cremona.
2] Ancient Egyptians used it [Safflower] to dye mummy wrappings and turn their ceremonial ointments into an oily orange.
3] Dragons Blood trees used to be carried up the Red Sea in ships from Yemen and perhaps even to the islands of Indonesia.
4] Dragons Blood trees are still highly prized for violins, even today.
5] The richest orange reds were from a small bush with a pink root called madder.

4 Questions
1] Where is Cremona located in?
2] Why did Martinengo end up in Cremona?
3] Why did violins have to be a orange color?
4] What did the country Turkey do to contribute to finding the color orange?

3 Vocabulary
1] Quintessential: Pure essence; perfect example.
2] Baptismal: Right of admission into a Christian Church by dipping in or sprinkling with water.
3] Composite: Formed of distinct parts.

2 Literary Terms
1] "The flames played over him." - Personifcation
2] ".. lose your nose for the sake of a breath freshener." - Irony.

1 Overview Sentence
Orange is a mysterious color.

Colors: Red

1] When red or carmine was made it used to be made of blood.
2] Red paint was believed to be made out of insect blood in the Incan Times.
3] For many cultures,. red symbolized both life and death-a beautiful and terrible paradox.
4] Cochineal-an insect that was most famously used for making red.
5] Scarlet was a fashion statement in medieval Europe to wear clothes made of a new cloth imported from Central Asia.

4 Questions
1] Why is red usually made from insect blood?
2] Why was Jalapenos named after the city Jalapa?
3] Was red an intoxicating color to the Indians?
4] What is the story of the "Dragon and the Elephant"?

3 Vocabulary
1] Consignment: Entrust; assign.
2] Alchemy: Chemistry of the Middle Ages.
3] Botanist: Science of plants.

2 Literary Terms
1] "An elephant of elements." -Metaphor
2] "Smiling, as if holding a secret." Personifcation.

1 Overview Sentence
Back then, red was mostly popularly made from insect blood, usualy from conchineal.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Colors: White

1] In China and Japan, white represents death and sickness.
2] White paint can come from zinc, chalk, barium or rice.
3] The greatest of whites is made of lead, which is often used as a primer to prepare before painting.
4] White paint is white because it reflects most light rays away from it.
5] Pliny wrote a formula of how to create lead paint; acid plus metal equals paint.

4 Questions
1] Why was some white paint made with manure?
2] Why was white paint so poisonous?
3] Why was white paint used for makeup? Wasn't it dangerous?
4] Why was lead exposure also known as "plumbism" or "saturnism"?

3 Vocabulary
1] Lethargy: the quality or state of being drowsy and dull, listless and unenergetic.
2] Assiduously: Constant in application or effort.
3] Biliously: Pertaining to bile or to an excess secretion of bile.

2 Literary Terms
1] "Lead exposure made women seem like etheral spirits, almost like angels." - Simile.
2] "In cave 428, there were pictures of enlightened beings who looked like joke skeletons in reverse." -Simile.

1 Overview Sentence
White paint is often viewed as a dangerous color, signifying death and sickness.