Monday, December 15, 2008

Colors: Violet


1] Voilet was thought to be made from a chemistry experiment mistake.

2] Tyrian Purple was made from shellfish found in the eastern Mediterranean.

3] Britain : it was appropriate to wear purple to a funeral.

4] Violet is the last color in the rainbow spectrum.

5] French tended to call violet "Perkins Purple."

4 Questions

1] Who was Samuel Pepys?

2] Why was Tyrain Purple so hard to find?

3] What was "thais haemastema"?

4] What is the Forbidden Silk?

3 Vocabulary

1] Elitism: Practice of a belief in rule by an elite.

2] Pretentious: Full of pretense or pretension.

3] Legions: Any large grup of armed men.

2 Literary Terms

1] "And I was in the town where books were the gods of the people." Metaphor.

2] "So the preists moved out and decay moved in." Personification.

1 Overview Sentence

Violet was actually a color found by a mistake.

Colors: Indigo


1] Indigo is derived from the Greek term meaning "from India".

2] At one point, Indigo was the most important dye in the world.

3] Ancient Egyptians used indigo dye cloths to wrap their mummies.

4] "Indigo" is a word like "ultramarine" meaning beyond the seas.

5] Indigo cultivation probably existed in the Indus Valley.

4 Questions

1] What is the origin of woad?

2] Who was Eliza Lucas?

3] Did Indigo go as far back as the Mesopotamian Times?

4] How valueable was Indigo?

3 Vocabulary

1] Encapsulate: To summarize or condense.

2] astringent: harshly biting.

3] Primitive: Early in the history of the world of humankind.

2 Literary Terms

1] "The seeds of this mustard plant float so easily." -Metaphor.

2] "Indigo involved misery." - Metaphor

1 Overview Sentence

Indigo was most known for being created in India and was very rare.

Colors: Blue

1] In Hindu, India, Blue is considered lucky, the color of Krishna, the god who dances through the world making love and fun.

2] Michelangelo has an unfinished panel in the National Gallery in London.

3] John Tyndall used the image of a sea to describe blue.

4] He thought that the particles of dust made blue.

5] Oltromarino was a technical term meaning "from beyond the seas."

4 Questions

1] Who was John Tyndall?

2] Why was the Virgin Mary's robe blue?

3] Why is the sky blue?

4] What is androgyny?

3 Vocabulary

1] Regime: a ruling or prevailing system.

2] Immaculate: free from spot or stain.

3] Propensity: a natural inclination or tendency.

2 Literary Terms
1] "If ever a city was singing the blues." - Personifcation.

2] "Old silk roads are the least smooth pathways." - Irony.

1 Overview Sentence

Blue has many origins, but mostly relating to religious reasons.

Colors: Green

1] Green was a secret color in China.
2] China used a special green on porcelain.
3] This mysterious green was made during the 9th and 10th centuries.
4] Green was associated with Indian mysticism.
5] Green was traditionally made from the corrosion of metal.

4 Questions
1] Why was green such a secret color?
2] Why was it so hrd to produce the color green?
3] Why did Giovanni Arnolfini and Giovanna have a unhappy marriage?
4] How is green a holy color?

3 Vocabulary
1] Unprecendented: without previous existence.
2] Brocaded: Fabric woven with an elaborte design.
3] Convulsion: Contortion of the body.

2 Literary Terms
1] "The smiling green pistachio that resembles your beautiful lips whispers tenderly." - Personification
2] "The collaspe killed no one but excited everyone." -Irony.

1 Overview Sentence
Green, in China, was a very mysterious and secretive color.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Colors: Yellow

1] Yellow is the color of pulsating life, of bile, the Devil, warning, power, and sickness.
2] Ingredients of yellow in India were a mystery.
3] Indian Yellow was masde from the urine of cows fed with orange leaves.
4] Indian Yellow was forbidden for the cruelty to animals.
5] Saffron is the most expensive and colorful spice in the world.

4 Questions
1] Why were robes in Tibet dyed with turmeric?
2] How was yellow made in Persia?
3] Why did yellow represent so many things?
4] Was yellow made from a cow's or buffalo's urine?

3 Vocabulary
1] Disconsolate: Very unhappy.
2] Bovine: Of or like a cow or ox.
3] Stamens: pollen bearing part of a flower.

2 Literary Terms
1] "Saffron is a fussy flower." Metaphor
2] "It tasted bitter and was wetly crunchy like a single stem or fresh cress." Simile.

1 Overview Sentence
Indian Yellow is ostly believed to be made from cow urine and mango leaves.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Colors: Orange

1] It is believed that the color orange started in Cremona.
2] Ancient Egyptians used it [Safflower] to dye mummy wrappings and turn their ceremonial ointments into an oily orange.
3] Dragons Blood trees used to be carried up the Red Sea in ships from Yemen and perhaps even to the islands of Indonesia.
4] Dragons Blood trees are still highly prized for violins, even today.
5] The richest orange reds were from a small bush with a pink root called madder.

4 Questions
1] Where is Cremona located in?
2] Why did Martinengo end up in Cremona?
3] Why did violins have to be a orange color?
4] What did the country Turkey do to contribute to finding the color orange?

3 Vocabulary
1] Quintessential: Pure essence; perfect example.
2] Baptismal: Right of admission into a Christian Church by dipping in or sprinkling with water.
3] Composite: Formed of distinct parts.

2 Literary Terms
1] "The flames played over him." - Personifcation
2] ".. lose your nose for the sake of a breath freshener." - Irony.

1 Overview Sentence
Orange is a mysterious color.

Colors: Red

1] When red or carmine was made it used to be made of blood.
2] Red paint was believed to be made out of insect blood in the Incan Times.
3] For many cultures,. red symbolized both life and death-a beautiful and terrible paradox.
4] Cochineal-an insect that was most famously used for making red.
5] Scarlet was a fashion statement in medieval Europe to wear clothes made of a new cloth imported from Central Asia.

4 Questions
1] Why is red usually made from insect blood?
2] Why was Jalapenos named after the city Jalapa?
3] Was red an intoxicating color to the Indians?
4] What is the story of the "Dragon and the Elephant"?

3 Vocabulary
1] Consignment: Entrust; assign.
2] Alchemy: Chemistry of the Middle Ages.
3] Botanist: Science of plants.

2 Literary Terms
1] "An elephant of elements." -Metaphor
2] "Smiling, as if holding a secret." Personifcation.

1 Overview Sentence
Back then, red was mostly popularly made from insect blood, usualy from conchineal.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Colors: White

1] In China and Japan, white represents death and sickness.
2] White paint can come from zinc, chalk, barium or rice.
3] The greatest of whites is made of lead, which is often used as a primer to prepare before painting.
4] White paint is white because it reflects most light rays away from it.
5] Pliny wrote a formula of how to create lead paint; acid plus metal equals paint.

4 Questions
1] Why was some white paint made with manure?
2] Why was white paint so poisonous?
3] Why was white paint used for makeup? Wasn't it dangerous?
4] Why was lead exposure also known as "plumbism" or "saturnism"?

3 Vocabulary
1] Lethargy: the quality or state of being drowsy and dull, listless and unenergetic.
2] Assiduously: Constant in application or effort.
3] Biliously: Pertaining to bile or to an excess secretion of bile.

2 Literary Terms
1] "Lead exposure made women seem like etheral spirits, almost like angels." - Simile.
2] "In cave 428, there were pictures of enlightened beings who looked like joke skeletons in reverse." -Simile.

1 Overview Sentence
White paint is often viewed as a dangerous color, signifying death and sickness.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Colors: Black and Brown


1] Pencil lead was once so rare that armed security guards in Northern England used to strip search miners.

2] White paint was a poison, although sweet tasting.

3] Black and brown paints were once said to be made from dead bodies.

4] According to one western classical legend, the first paint was black and first artist female.

5] Pencil "lead" contained no lead at all.

4 Questions

1] Why was lead so sacred in Northern England?

2] Why were juman corpses sometimes used to make black?

3] What are "chinese" pencils?

4] Who created the artbook of forging art?

3 Vocabulary

1] sublimed: elevated or lofty in thought, language, etc.

2] Papyrus: a material on which to write, prepared from thin strips of the pith of this plant laid together, soaked, pressed, and dried, used by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans.

3] Impermanence: not permanent or enduring; transitory.

2 Literary Terms
1] "..a sick man's fierce determination.." - Oxymoron

2] "..missile pop out of the cast like a cooked cake from a buttered tin." - Simile.

1 Overview Sentence
The origin of the colors black and brown comes from many places, even outrageous ones like how brown paint used to be made from dead bodies.

Colors : Ochre

1] Ochre is used by almost every artist in history.

2] It has been used since the beginning of painting.

3] Ochre is also known as Iron Oxide.

4] There are big ochre mines in Luberon in Southern France.

5] Ochre was a popular trading item.

4 Questions
1] Who was Cennino Cennini?

2] What was so special about ochre?

3] Who where the Aboriginals?

4] Why was there a war about ochre that led to a massacre?

3 Vocabulary
1] Hematite: a very common mineral, iron oxide, Fe2O3, occurring in steel-gray to black crystals and in red earthy masses: the principal ore of iron.

2] uncannily: having or seeming to have a supernatural or inexplicable basis; beyond the ordinary or normal; extraordinary.

3] Disconsolate: without consolation or solace; hopelessly unhappy; inconsolable.

2 Literary Terms
1] "..blind woman bursting through the earth.." - Metaphor.

2] "..t wasn't right to look under the blanket of secrets." - Metaphor.

1 Over view Sentence
Ochre was a very common trading item, although it is now rare to find.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Falling Leaves Chapter 10

1] Ye Ye dressed in old fashioned chinese gowns and a skull cap.

2] Ye Ye developed diabetes in his last years.

3] Ye Ye had trouble walking and constantly slipped and fell.

4] Ye Ye died on March 27, 1952 from diabetes complications.

5] Aunt baba and Ye Ye never had a suitable marriage.

4 Questions
1] Why couldn't Father tell Aunt Baba in person himself that Ye Ye died?

2] Why did Father tell his employee to write a letter to Aunt Baba for him?

3] Why didn't Niang call for a doctor when she knew Ye Ye was sick?

4] How does the family cope afterwards?

3 Vocabulary
1] Repasts: A meal.

2] Loathing: Intense dislike.

3] Gesticulating: To gesture.

2 Literary Terms
1] "Each day passes like a year." -Metaphor.

2] " he swallowed his monotonous diet." -Metaphor.

1 Overview Sentence
Ye Ye died from diabetes on march 27, 1952.

Falling Leaves Chapter 9

1] Adeline had to stay at an orphange for a long time.

2] At the boarding school, sewing and such practical skills were taught.

3] In china, unwanted daughters were peddled as virtual slaves.

4] The orphanage was very orderly but very strict.

5] Adeline often looked out to the ocean from her barred window.

4 Questions
1] Why weren't the nuns as nice as they appeared to be?

2] Why didn't she ever have visits from her family?

3] Why did the other girls ridiculed her when they were also in the orphanage?

4] Why didn't her family ever send her anything?

3 Vocabulary
1] Commodity: Anything bought or sold.

2] Indelible: That cannot be erased, wasted out, etc.

3] Poignant: Painful to the feelings.

2 Literary Terms
1] "..just like being a nun, whether you wish to be holy or not." -Irony

2] "..Oracle across the ocean of time." -Metaphor.

1 Overview Sentence
Adeline is unhappy atthe orphanage but at least she does not have to put up with Niang.

Falling Leaves Chapter 8

1] Aunt Reine is Niangs older sister.

2] Victor, Adeline's cousin, was very nice to her.

3] Adeline went out to eat with her family for the first time in a while.

4] Adeline was being sent to a boarding school.

5] Niang was overcontrolling the family.

4 Questions
1] What does "coup de grace" mean?

2] Why was Uncle Jean [Niang's brother] so nice to Adeline, but Niang wasn't?

3] Why would Niang want to take Adeline out of a fancy restaurant?

4] Why was Niang suddenly nice?

3 Vocabulary
1] Pestilence: Virulent or contagious disease.

2] Erratic: Irrefular; odd.

3] Sporadic: Not regular.

2 Literary Terms
1] "No chinese was taught at the school." -Irony.

2] "Niang smiled and patted me fondly on the head." -Irony.

I Overview Sentence
Adeline is being sent to boarding school by Niang, which is also an orphanage.

Falling Leaves Chapter 7

1] Ye-ye became poor at the age of 65.

2] Lydia did not do good in school an decided to marry early.

3] Joseph had a feudal idea of male supremacy.

4] Niang was being greedy by collecting most of Lydia's gifts at the wedding.

5] Niang forced Lydia to marry Samuel Sung.

4 Questions
1] Why was Edgar mean to Adeline?

2] Why didn't Joseph accept that Adeline did good in school?

3] Why did they blame Aunt Baba for being an evil influence to Adeline?

4] Was Joseph misusing his fathers money?

3 Vocabulary
1] Harangue: A noisy or scornful speech.

2] Demurred: Objection.

3] Fibre: Threadlike parts.

2 Literary Terms
1] "Be a cold fish." -Metaphor.

2] "Father then began a harangue about my worthlessness." -Metaphor

1 Overview Sentence
Niang and Father accused Aunt Baba and Adeline of many wrongdoings.

Falling Leaves Chapter 6

1] The family then had to move out of Shanghai to the heart of the French Concession.

2] In the place they lived now, it was very fancy with accesories like Louis XVI.

3] Adeline and her siblings all received little ducklings as pets, but hers was the scrawniest.

4] Jackie, the family pet dog, was the favorite pet.

5] They often said "Suan le!" to cheer each other up.

4 Questions
1] Why didn't Adeline every talk about her family to her friends?

2] Why was she so happy with the scrawny duckling?

3] Why wouldn't Niang let Adeline invite her friends over?

4] Why did Aunt Baba give into Niang's cruelty?

3 Vocabulary
1] Conspirational: Join in a plot.

2] Contemptously: Scornful; disdainful.

3] Consternation: great alarm or dismay.

2 Literary terms
1] "Niang was about to wrench me away from the only person who ever loved me." - Metaphor.

2] "...hear were the squels of merriment wafting ip the stairs." -Metaphor.

I Overview Sentence
Niang jeopardized Adeline's chance at having friends by being cruel and kicking them out of the house.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Falling Leaves Chapter 5

1] The family gradually increased because Niang and Joseph wanted children.

2] The Japanese were taking uncomfortably closer looks at Josephs books, deciding to want him with their company.

3] Joseph sometimes worried the family by having many sleepless nights and one time going to the post office and never returned home.

4] Adeline's grandmother died, it seems like the family was going through a hard time with all of these deaths.

5] After this chapter, many tragedies happened.

4 Questions
1] Why didn't Joseph attend his mothers funeral?

2] Did the book "Lengend of the Monkey King" came out back then too?

3] Why did Niang favor her two own children Franklin and Susan more than the rest of her family?

4] Was Josephs mother a big impact or important eprson in his life?

3 Vocabulary
1] Endeared: to make beloved or very sympathetic.

2] Rickshaw: 1887, shortened form of jinrikisha, popularized by Kipling, from Japanese jin "a man" + riki "power" + sha "carriage."

3] Ruse: a trick, stratagem, or artifice.

2 Literary Terms
1] "Ye-Ye carried on with this life and death charade for a few months." Metaphor

2] "..then give me a resounding slap.." - Metaphor

1 Overview Sentence
In this chapter, Adeline talks about her childhood memories up until the point where her grandmother died and her family beginning to fall apart.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Falling Leaves Chapter 4


1] Adeline and her family had a great life in Tianjin mostly because they were wealthy and had more than others.

2] Joseph married Niang and the family didn't seem bothered by it.

3] Jeanne Virginie Propsperi was half french, half chinese. [She became married to Joseph]

4] Joseph tends to spend a lot of money on useless extravangances.

5] After their marriage, they seemed to become distant from the rest of the family.

4 Questions
1] Why was Joseph so into marraige?

2] Why couldn't the children keep their chinese names?

3] How did Joseph get over his previous wife's death so quick?

4] How come Franklin's babysitter quit?

3 Vocabulary
1] Surrogate: subsitute.

2] Sumblimate: express in acceptable forms.

3] Allure: tempt; attract.

2 Literary Terms
1] ".. make children ees grow large and bright." -Metaphor.

2] "I think Niang was happy at first." - Irony.

1 Overview Sentence
Niang (Jeanne Prosperi) married Joseph and is on her way to dominate the household in a dictating way.

Falling Leaves Chapter 3

1] Shanghai was a wealthy city.
2] Joseph married Aunt Baba's best friend, Miss Ren Yong-ping.
3] The couple had many children.
4] The oldest child [Jun-Pei] was born with paralyzed left arm.
5] Her mom died 2 weeks after giving birth to Adeline.

4 Questions
1] What are gipaos?
2] Why didn't Joseph consider arranged marriage?
3] How did Adeline's birth caused his mothers death?
4] What was her mother diagnosed with?

3 Vocabulary
1] Leisure: free time for rest, play, etc.
2] Haughtiness: Scornfully proud.
3] Gauche: tactless.

2 Literary Terms
1] ".. a dark cloud hung over the entire family." -Metaphor.
2] "..The young couple were inseperable as each other's shadows." -Metaphor

1 Overview Sentence
Joseph met Miss Ren Yong-ping from Grand Aunt. He later married her and had 5 children. Adeline being the last, her birth causing her mothers death.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Falling Leaves: The Memoir of an Unwanted Chinese daughter Chapter 2

So far this book is pretty good. =] Although it talks so much about business.

1] Joseph (Adeline's father), excelled in English.
2] Joseph went into the field of business by the age of 15.
3] Ye Ye had was wealthy, but he invested all of his live's savings to help Joseph's business.
4] Joseph was the typical business man. Often on his typewriter immediately after dinner at the dinner table while his family watched in awe.
5] At the time (around 1918 many areas around the asian countries were bieng invaded and taken over.

4 Questions
1] Why didn't Joseph finish high school?
2] Did Ye Ye know that he could trust all of his investment in Joseph? Or was it just luck?
3] How did a 15 year old get to work in this business industry?
4] What were the laws back then?

3 Vocabulary
1] Prosperity: Prosperous condition; especially financially successful circumstances.
2] Concubine: A woman who cohabits with a man to whom she is not legally married, esp. one regarded as socially or sexually subservient; mistress.
3] Malaise: A condition of general bodily weakness or discomfort, often marking the onset of a disease.

2 Literary Terms
1] ".. money poured back into China.." - Metaphor
2] "..Father began to be known in the business chircles as the 'miracle boy' who had the power of converting iron into gold." -Metaphor.

1 Overview Sentence
In this chapter, it talks about Joseph [Adeline's father] being successful in the business industry. He became wealthy over time.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Falling Leaves: The Memoir of an Unwanted Chinese daughter Chapter 1


1] Adeline had a big and successful family.
2] Her Grand Aunt found China's first Shanghai's Womens bank. She was a business mogul.
3] Many women around the years 1886 had to have their feet bound. It was an excruciating process.
4] Around 1886, the wars, like the First Opium War were just clearing up. There was still a lot of tension between Britain and China.
5] Shanghai was China's center of trade.

4 Questions
1] Why did women in China had to get their feet bound?
2] Why wasn't Adeline's mother mentioned in the first chapter, but the rest of her family was?
3] Why were many people in China around 1886 had to be in arranged marriages?
4] Did the first Shanghai's Women's Bank become successful?

3 Vocabulary
1] prestigious: indicative of or conferring prestige
2] unchaste: not chaste; not virtuous; not pure
3] impoverish: to reduce to poverty

2 Literary Terms
1] "Behind round, wire rimmed tinted glasses, her large eyes were penetrating." -Metaphor.
2] "... you will become the willing pisspot and spittoon of the Yen's and we will be proud of you." -Metaphor.
1 Overview Sentence
In this chapter, it was mostly about how Adeline's Grand Aunt became successful in finding her own bank.