Thursday, November 20, 2008

Colors: Black and Brown


1] Pencil lead was once so rare that armed security guards in Northern England used to strip search miners.

2] White paint was a poison, although sweet tasting.

3] Black and brown paints were once said to be made from dead bodies.

4] According to one western classical legend, the first paint was black and first artist female.

5] Pencil "lead" contained no lead at all.

4 Questions

1] Why was lead so sacred in Northern England?

2] Why were juman corpses sometimes used to make black?

3] What are "chinese" pencils?

4] Who created the artbook of forging art?

3 Vocabulary

1] sublimed: elevated or lofty in thought, language, etc.

2] Papyrus: a material on which to write, prepared from thin strips of the pith of this plant laid together, soaked, pressed, and dried, used by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans.

3] Impermanence: not permanent or enduring; transitory.

2 Literary Terms
1] "..a sick man's fierce determination.." - Oxymoron

2] "..missile pop out of the cast like a cooked cake from a buttered tin." - Simile.

1 Overview Sentence
The origin of the colors black and brown comes from many places, even outrageous ones like how brown paint used to be made from dead bodies.

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