Sunday, February 1, 2009

Spook: Chapter 7


1] Nahum trolls for funding at physics departments and institutes.
2] Decay heat is not ordered information.
3] Energy is freely malleable in terms of the physical form it might take and it is not necessarily the case that any one of them would be 'preferred'.
4] Macdougall concluded that the soul's index of refraction is zero.
5] In pre-Einstein days, ether was an accepted concept in physics.

4 Questions

1] Why can't souls use doors like the rest of us?
2] Does free-floating consciousness energy exist?
3] What is ether?
4] Was the soul "weightless"?

3 Vocabulary

1] Paramecium: any ciliated freshwater protozoan of the genus Paramencium, having an oval body and a long deep oral groove.
2] Picogram: one trillionth of a gram.
3] Thermodynamics: the science concerned with the relations between heat and mechanical energy or work, and the conversion of one into the other: modern thermodynamics deals with the properties of systems for the description of which temperature is a necessary coordinate.

2 Literary Terms
1] "a fart of energy in some god-knows-where-or-what dimension?" -Metaphor.
2] "It's that minus-all-the-trappins bit that gets me." - Metaphor.

1 Overview Sentence
In this chapter, scientists like Nahum and Macdougall tries to weigh the soul and experiments with the consciousness of a soul.

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