Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Spook: Chapter 8

1] Macdougall said that all substances except "the ether of space" give some refraction of light, the soul was therefore made of ether.
2] It was thought to be the nescessary medium for the transmission of electromagnetic waves.
3] Ether was invisible and undetectable, and it permeated all forms of matter, from man to ottoman.
4] Ether was also assumed to be weightless.
5] Macdougall envisioned a giant "earth-accompanying globe of ether .. above the storm zone."

4 Questions
1] How did Macdougall die?
2] What kind of cancer did he have?
3] Did his wife take on his study after his death?
4] Who was Carrington?

3 Vocabulary
1] Aforementioned: Cited or mentioned previously or earlier.
2] Skepticism: Skeptical attitude or temper; doubt.
3] Requisite: required or necessary for a particular purpose, position, etc.; indispensable.

2 Literary Terms
1] "The book contains a half dozen photographs of the dashing Carrington, his Gregory Peckish hair swept back from his forehead and a scowl of concentration on his face.." -Metaphor.
2] "Carrington never built his monkey box.." -Metaphor.

1 Overview Sentence
In this chapter, the scientists studided about ether and how it was magical.

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